There are no bad ideas from any “good eggs” as the City of Stuart begins plans for its 2020 Sesquicentennial celebration.
An overarching group has been formed to plan the event which will happen in place of the Stuart Good Egg Days on Father’s Day weekend next year. The event co-chairs are Stuart Library Director Lisa Sherman and Cheryl Marks of Rolling Hills Bank & Trust and the first organizational meeting was held on August 6th. Marketing Head Tracy Mahlstadt comments on the gathering, “It was a great initial meeting because there were over 40 attendees from every aspect of our community, very diverse age groups and business owners and rural members of the community, city leaders and just interested citizens. So a lot of them came together and we literally just threw out ideas onto a big spreadsheet and threw it out on the board, and all ideas were accepted and looked at.”
Mahlstadt adds that several subcommittees were also formed, which include vendors, sports, fundraising, cleanup, commemorative book and more. The next public meeting will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday September 3rd at the Stuart Congregational Church. Representation of all ages and all skills are desired. To get involved, contact Marks at 515-480-0767 or Sherman at 515-249-3808.
Clean Up
Public Safety
Commemorative Book