Adair and Guthrie County residents’ help is needed from a local economic development corporation.
Midwest Partnership has released an online survey for people to offer input to help set the direction of the organization for the next three to five years. Midwest Partnership Director Sarah Gomez says they want to get feedback on what is working, what could be better, and how the organization can best support the area, “The Midwest Partnership organization has not gone through a formal strategic planning session in a few years so we’re doing so right now working with another group IDM, which is the Institute for Decision Making, helping us with this questionnaire so we encourage folks to jump on our Midwest Partnership website and click the link and take a few minutes and fill out the survey.”
The survey is open until August 25th, a link to which can be found here. The public is then invited to attend two strategic planning sessions happening on Thursday, September 5th from 9-10:30 a.m. at the Panora Telco office in Panora, and from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Hotel Greenfield in Greenfield.