With the Iowa State Fair starting up tomorrow, there will be good representation from Greene County, with residents showing exhibits and receiving awards.
Greene County 4-H’ers will send 28 static exhibits and 21 livestock entries. Greene County Extension Director Lori Mannel comments on the work of those 4-H’ers who qualified and are competing at the state fair.
“(I’m) Very proud of our Greene County 4-H’ers. (I) Certainly encourage everyone to go down to Des Moines where the Iowa State Fair will run from August 8th-18th. So again, we’ll have fine representation at the Iowa State Fair.”
There will also be four families honored with the Century Farm designation by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. The recipients include: John Paul, Cassie, Richard and Leonore Fiedler of Scranton; Janet Anne-Fiedler of Scranton; Eva Wampler of Scranton; and Linda Young of Rippey. To be considered for the Century Farm Program, the farm must be owned by the same family for at least 100 years. A ceremony will take place throughout the day on Thursday, August 15th.
See the full list below of 4-H’ers that will be at the state fair.
Livestock Exhibits
Adam Bills: Breeding Beef
Gina Brown: Horse Showmanship, Ranch Horse and Western Pleasure, Trail, Halter, Western Horsemanship and Western Walk/Trot
Amercius Squibb: Rabbits (Commercial/Fancy)
Elise Badger: Breeding Sheep-Black Face Commercial Ewes and Black Face Market Lambs
Cody Stephenson: Breeding Sheep-Black Face Commercial Ewes, Speckled Face/Cross Market Lambs and Black Face Market Lambs
Tieryn Tucker: Breeding Sheep-Black Face Commercial Ewes, Black Face Market Lambs
Kara Reed: Black Face Market Lambs
Karissa Stephenson: Black Face Market Lambs
Kyle Hughes: Breeding Swine-Duroc, Commercial Gilts, Market Swine and Crossbred Market Barrows
Static Exhibits
Lizzy Allen (Cedar Highland): Photography
Bailey Anderson (Greenbrier): Photography, Child Development
Arthur Bardole (Greenbrier): Photography, Extemporaneous
Kayla Muir (Washington Winners): Photography
Brian Hardaway (Greenbrier): Photography
Lucas Oakes (Cedar Highland): Welding
Eathan Hooper (Junction Food Producers): Woodworking
Joe Thompson (Scranton Barn Stormers): Small Engines and Consumer Management
Caden Etherton (Greenbrier): Woodworking
Natalie Heupel (Greenbrier): Clothing and Fashion
Megan Palmer (Cedar Highland): Sewing and Needle Arts
Hannah Curtis (Hardin Happy Hustlers): Sewing and Needle Arts
Maya Telleen (Hardin Happy Hustlers): Food and Nutrition
Aubrey Heupel (Hardin Happy Hustlers): Food and Nutrition
Autumn Villebro (Scranton Barn Stormers): Food and Nutrition
Avery Bardole (Greenbrier): Food and Nutrition
Lanie Fish (Washington Winners): Child Development
Americus Squibb (Scranton Barn Stormers): Visual Arts and Visual Arts
Elizabeth Allen (Cedar Highland): Visual Arts
Emma Halterman (Greenbrier): Visual Arts and Home Improvement
Gina Brown (Greenbrier): Visual Arts
Kara Reed (Greenbrier): Home Improvement
Aden Bardole (Greenbrier): Home Improvement
Kaitlin Halterman (Greenbrier): Home Improvement