It was another stellar season for the AC/GC girls cross country program in 2018, as the Chargers were a team state qualifier for the 2nd time in the 3-year history of AC/GC High School. Of the runners from last year’s squad, the Chargers only lose two competitors in seniors Lauryn Embleton and Aubrey Chmelar.
The Chargers look to be one of the best squads in the West Central Activities Conference, with a team lead by 3-time state qualifier and 2016 Class 1A State Champion, Kate Crawford, who looks to recapture the crown she won as a freshman.
AC/GC also returns a solid core of juniors and seniors with runners such as Rylee Sloss, Keely Vasey, Alyson Embleton and Kendra Campbell. The Chargers open up their season on Thursday, August 23rd at the Gilbert Invitational hosted by Iowa State in Ames.