The Jefferson Street/Sewer/Sanitation/Water Committees met earlier this week in regular session.
The Sewer Committee discussed a couple of items. The first item was an agreement with Alliant Energy to extend a two-inch gas line to the Grimmel Road lift station for $7,000. The committee tabled the decision, due to finalizing the agreement. Next Wastewater Superintendent Danny Moranville talked about purchasing jet equipment to replace the system they have now. He received bids from four companies. It was recommended to purchase the equipment with 30 gallons per minute with lower pressure to fully clean the utility lines. The decision was tabled pending further bids.
The Water Committee also had a couple of discussion items. Water Superintendent Tom Schilling brought up starting a replacement program for water mains and installing individualized water lines for property owners. He said due to three large water main breaks this year that have caused decreases in the water tower, he wants to periodically replace water mains throughout the city. He also wanted to start the installation program where the city would install dedicated water lines with curb shut-off boxes for property owners. He said there are issues with “party lines” where one property owner is tapped into another property owner’s water line that connects to the city’s main. The committee took no action, but agreed to pursue both programs.
Following a discussion and receiving three bids to replace the roof of the water plant, the committee selected Grell Roofing of Fort Dodge to install a Duro-Last membrane, with a 20-year warranty, for $69,000. The decision will go before the City Council for final approval.
Three projects were discussed by the Street Committee. The city engineer presented two cost proposals for the walking trails on Greenewood Road and Central Avenue to be $585,500 and recommended bidding them together. It was then mentioned that the East Entryway walking path should be bid separately, due to the larger scope of the project, for $678,000. The committee recommended the projects go before the Council to discuss and take action on.
Following another lengthy discussion, the committee didn’t take action of a parking issue on East Wilcox Way. Currently there is parking on opposite sides of the street on even and odd numbered days. Complaints have been made to the police department. The committee is currently looking into solutions.