The State Auditor’s office recently released the City of Jefferson’s 2018 fiscal year audit report.
City governmental receipts totaled $6,398,347 for the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2018. Of those receipts, property taxes were $2,118,228, intergovernmental was $1,649,232, miscellaneous of $1,097,279, tax increment financing was $596,709 other city tax was $515,123, charges for services was $351,130, use of money and property was $36,712, and licenses and permits was $33,934.
Disbursement of governmental funds totaled $6,271,491. The breakdown included capital projects of $1,912,746, culture and recreation was $1,182,486, public safety with $851,078, public works with $778,764, general government with $573,087, debt service totaled $562,429, community and economic development for $389,957, health and social services accounted for $22,944.
To see the full report, click the link below.