
Dallas County recently checked the last few boxes off their fiscal year 2019 to-do list, officially wrapping up the previous year and getting started on the next.

At the recent Board of Supervisors meeting, there were a pair of items on the agenda related to the Operations Administration. The first was an operating transfer, moving $900,000 from the general basic to the internal service fund. Operations Director Rob Tietz said a decision was made to always have a 25% cushion of money available in the fund, much like the County’s policy for the general fund itself, and the money transferred will serve that purpose. Tietz said the funds will act as a buffer for special internal projects for the County, to cover any unforeseen expenses that pop up during the next year.

The other item was assigning unused funds from the previous fiscal year into the next. Tietz said every year there is a certain amount of money that is budgeted for but not spent by each department. Instead of losing that money from their budgets, it’s rolled over into the next year to use on upcoming line items. Tietz pointed out that assigning funds is a typical practice each fiscal year, and it’s the last item to be covered before putting the previous year to rest. The Board approved both the operating transfer and the assigned funds as presented.