
The Perry School Board convened Friday morning for a special meeting and work session.

The meeting began with approval of a fund transfer of $635,000 from the debt service fund to the Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) fund. Superintendent Clark Wicks said when the District retired their debt from a prior general obligation bond facility project, they had money left over that could go back into infrastructure funds. Following that, the Board approved a modification to school nurse contracts, contracts for mentors and professional learning community (PLC) facilitators, department head contracts and letters of agreement, and personnel changes.

The work session included a review of the District’s goals, such as sharing the professional development activities calendar. The Board also received progress reports from the administration at the elementary, middle school, and high school, and the Board members also gave their own input on how they felt the year went. The meeting concluded with a representative from UNESCO going over priorities for the facilities master plan, focusing especially on the middle school. Wicks said UNESCO will present an agreement to the Board at their next regular meeting to take the District through the planning process.

To learn more about the Perry School Board meeting, listen to this Tuesday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program on air and at RaccoonValleyRadio.com.