The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.
Following a discussion, the Board agreed to pursue an itemized list of projects from OPN Architects for the remodeling of the current high school into a middle school. The Board will also consider approving at a future meeting to borrow $7.5 million instead of $4.5 million of Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) and Physical Plant and Equipment Levy (PPEL) funds, due to the deadline extension of SAVE by the Iowa Legislature.
The Board then approved the second reading of revised board policies on literacy and classified staff vacations as presented, building a new home with the student construction class for the 2019-2020 school year, an emergency operations plan as mandated by the state legislature, a transportation contract to continue utilizing Region XII Council of Governments to take two students to school and a fundraiser request for the boys’ basketball team. Following another discussion, the Board took no action on making changes to graduation credit requirements.
Finally, the Board approved some summer project contracts. They approved Drees Company’s bid of $113,000 to replace seven of the ten rooftop heating and cooling units at the high school, G.E.M. Services for $6,077 to replace a heat pump at the elementary building and Drees Company for $715 for the control conversion unit on the pump. The Board also approved a $57,428 bid to purchase 80 Google Chromebook Pads and carts for kindergarten through first grade and 100 Google Chromebooks and carts for second grade.