ISU Extension Nutrition and Wellness Specialist Ann Parker
It’s summertime, which means more kids are at home where it can be a challenge to have healthy snack choices available.
Greene County Extension Dietitian and Nutritional Specialist Ann Parker suggests having fresh fruits and vegetables around for kids to snack on. She points out that if adults allow kids to help them cut up and prepare them, they are more likely to eat them. For those fruits that tend to turn the color brown quickly after you cut it up, Parker has a suggestion to prevent that from happening.
“What you can do is you can have like water that has a little bit of acid in it like lemon juice. That lemon juice will help preserve the fruit that’s cut up. So if you just sprinkle some of that water/lemon juice mixture over fruit, that can help it not to brown or not to spoil as quick.”
She adds, other healthy summer snack ideas include popcorn, string cheese or whole grain crackers.