The Adel City Council convened Tuesday evening in regular session.
The meeting began with the presentation of the Preservation at its Best Award to Big Blue Bed and Breakfast. Mayor Jim Peters then gave recognition to Police Chief Secretary Jill Anderson and Water Superintendent Jordon Altenhofen for five years of service, each. The Council then held a public hearing amending an ordinance to increase the minimum lot size required for installing a septic system in new construction. No one spoke during the hearing, so during new business the Council approved a resolution related to it, setting the minimum property size at one acre. Next was department reports, which included a reminder that utility rate adjustments take effect July 1st, as well as an update on the Economic Development Commission.
The first item in new business was consideration of a rezone request for 80 acres in the Southridge Planned Urban Development from A-1 (agriculture) to R-1 (residential – high density). The topic was continued from the previous meeting so all members of the Council could weigh in. After further discussion, a motion to approve the rezone failed with a 3-2 vote, as it needed a supermajority due to being rejected by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Council members Rob Christensen and Jodi Selby were the dissenting votes.
Action items that were approved included: forwarding an updated incentives proposal for Southbridge to prepare for further proceedings; ordinances involving revising sanitary sewer requirements and increasing the distance in which mandatory sewer connection is required; increasing compensation rates for elected officials; a collective bargaining agreement with the police union; appointments to six different boards, commissions, and committees; the second reading of a snow emergency ordinance; a construction contract with Anderson Services, LLC for the City Hall window replacement project; and change orders and pay estimates.
The Council also designated John T. Jones Construction Company from Fargo, North Dakota as the low bidder for the water treatment plant project, and awarded the contract in the amount of $11.65 million.