
Tuesday, June 4th

2:16am: Melinda Millard reported a Barking Dog in the 100 Block of North Walnut Street. The officer made contact with the animal’s owner, who took it inside for the remainder of the evening.

12:53pm: Connie Ross reported her juvenile son had been assaulted by a friend at 406 West Head Street. The officer spoke to all parties and learned a Mutual Fight had occurred between the two juveniles. The officer will not be seeking a criminal charge in the matter.

3:24pm: A Traffic Stop in the 1300 Block of North Mulberry resulted in Benjamin Herridge of Jefferson being cited for, “Excessive Speed.”

3:47pm: Tanisha Rice spoke to an officer in connection to a Civil Property Issue occurring at 501 ½ East Lincoln Way Street.

4:28pm: Julie Byerly spoke to an officer about a Civil Property Issue occurring at 202 West Adams Street.

6:27pm: An officer assisted with a Medical Call in the 600 Block of South Grimmell Road.

8:49pm: An officer responded to a Residential Burglary Alarm at 705 West Sunset Road. The residence was secure and all appeared to be fine. The owner was contacted.

10:00pm: An officer investigated a Two Vehicle Property Accident at Lincoln Way and Elm Streets. A 2014 Chevrolet K150, owned and operated by Polly Kinsey of Jefferson, was westbound on Lincoln Way. A 2017 Chevrolet Cruze, owned and operated by Shannon Hagen of Jefferson, was northbound in the inside lane on Elm Street. Both vehicles stopped and left the stop signs colliding in the intersection. Kinsey’s vehicle had a reported $500.00 in front end damages. The Hagen vehicle suffered a reported $1000.00 in right rear damage. Kinsey will be cited for, “Fail to Obey Stop Sign.”

10:03pm: Abby Binkley reported hearing a fight between cats in the 600 Block of West Harrison Street.

10:16pm: Dave Ausberger reported a careless Driver near Wilson and Madison. Th officer did not locate the vehicle.

10:49pm: James Ford reported loud music coming from 703 North Wilson Ave. The officer spoke to the occupants about the complaint.

Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.