
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting began with the approval of a pay application of $120,863.75 and two change orders for $8,864 and $5,610 from Trinity Construction for work on the courthouse renovation project. Jerry Purdy with Design Alliance also updated the project, saying phase two should be wrapped up next week. After that, Purdy presented the 16th pay application from the Samuels Group for the law enforcement center project, which was approved and included payments to 10 contractors in the amount of $795,892.68.

At 9:30 a.m., the Board held a public hearing to discuss the final plat of plat one for the Turkey Ridge development near Van Meter. Following that, they held a second public hearing, which was to consider two public utility easements and two temporary construction easements along the Raccoon River Valley Trail for the James Pointe development near Waukee. No one spoke against either of the resolutions, so the Supervisors approved them as presented. The Board also approved awarding contracts to Forterra Pipe and Precast for the 170th and 180th Street culvert projects, for $69,800 and $88,200, respectively. The bids were higher than estimated, but County Engineer Al Miller felt they were both reasonable.

Miller then updated the Board on the Secondary Roads Department’s progress this spring, saying they’ve been able to resurface around 67 miles of gravel roads damaged by the weather this year. The Supervisors also discussed but took no action regarding the potential sale of County property located in Adel, as well as participation in grant program at the request of the City of West Des Moines. The meeting concluded with a closed session to discuss the purchase of particular real estate.