
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.

The meeting began with continued discussion on the health plan renewal for County employees. Human Resources Director Beth Deardorf addressed the concerns the Board brought to her last week when the proposal was first presented. The Supervisors then approved the renewal, with the new plan starting June 1st. Next, the Board approved an out-of-state travel request for Assistant County Attorney Stacy Ritchie for a five-day training conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota. County Attorney Chuck Sinnard said Ritchie will learn how to better prosecute sexual assault and violent crimes.

At 9:30 a.m. there was a public hearing on the final budget amendment for the 2019 fiscal year. Operations Director Rob Tietz pointed out that the general basic fund had around $1.7 million over what they typically need, which he credited to sound fiscal responsibility on the part of the Board, and the influx of local option sales and services tax money. Hearing no objections during the hearing, the Board approved the budget amendment as presented.

Other items approved included: two resolutions for additional drainage district assessments; the purchase of a belly dump trailer for $40,252 from Jim Hawk Truck Trailers for the Secondary Roads Department; and the first pay application from AECOM for $31,232.68 for work done on the Auditor’s Office parking lot project. AECOM representative Todd Allyn also gave an update on the project, saying it’s behind schedule due to the weather.