The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors will meet in regular session today.
The meeting will begin with a joint drainage district meeting with the Greene County Board of Supervisors to assign a meeting chairperson and consider setting an assessment rate for the district and setting an interest rate for waivers. Next, the Board will consider an assignment of a county held tax sale certificate for a parcel at Diamondhead Lake, consider approval of a 28E agreement between the County and the City of Guthrie Center for the collection of delinquent parking fines, and consider disposition of a parcel number.
At 10 a.m. the Board will hold a public hearing for the second fiscal year 2019 budget amendment, and will consider approving the amendment thereafter. The Board will then receive an update on phase two of the county jail project, consider assignment of county held tax sale certificates in Menlo, and consider a resolution authorizing the issuance of $2 million in general obligation bonds from wind farm tax increment financing. The Board will also consider lease agreements with Infomax Office Systems for copier, printer, and scanner services.
The Board meets at 9 a.m. at the Guthrie County Courthouse.