
The City of Perry invites the public to an informational open house tomorrow evening at La Poste, where they will educate people on the Highway 144 lane conversion project.

City Administrator Sven Peterson says the idea of shifting all of 1st Street through Perry from four lanes to three has been met by some pushback from the community. He’s hopeful many of those people will attend the open house, so they can learn why the project has been deemed a necessity by the City and the Department of Transportation. “You know the biggest reason, obviously, is to get some more information out about the project. I think there’s some kind of misconceptions about the project and issues it may cause. But we really just want to have those good conversations with folks, one-on-one or in small groups, so that we can really explain things and hopefully dispel some concerns that people may have.”

The open house will run from 5-7 p.m. tomorrow, and attendees are free to come and go as they please. Peterson says in addition to the written information, there will also be a practical demonstration that will give people a hands-on opportunity to see the benefits of the lane conversion. To learn more about the open house and the project, listen to yesterday’s Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program at