A variety of free programming will be offered to kids this summer at the Panora Public Library.
The library will be kicking off the summer with a family-friendly variety act performance from The Hanson Family on Thursday, June 6th from 3:30-5 p.m. and the event is open to the public. The library will then hold a program Fridays in June from 10-11 a.m. for kids in preschool through second grade, which will include stories, crafts, and snacks. Guthrie County Extension will be hosting a program on Thursdays in June from 2-3 p.m. for kids in third through fifth grade.
Library Director Kim Finnegan describes a reading incentive program through the months of June and July, “So the reading program is from the age zero to the age of fifth grade and what we do is for every five books a kid reads then they get in a prize for five different prizes in so it totals out to be 25 books which sounds like a lot. We don’t pick the books out for you they pick their own book out so you pick your own reading level and go from there.”
Registration for both the younger and older June programs can be done at the library. You can contact the library at 641-755-2529.