
Jefferson Matters: Main Street is hosting a new activity at the Bell Tower Festival this year.

Following the parade on Saturday, June 8th will be the Reunion Rendezvous, where past classmates from any high school year can get together on the northside of the downtown square to enjoy fellowship and Deal’s Orchard Hard Cider. There will also be live musical entertainment provided by Churdan native Taylor King. Additionally, past and present teachers are invited to meet up with former students.

The committee of Amy Milligan, who is the chair, along with Shannon Black, Lisa Turner, Angie Gingery, Bonnie Silbaugh, Ian Wilkinson, Annie Ostendorf, Tracy Deal and Peg Raney are hoping to make Reunion Rendezvous, #It’sabigDeal, an annual event during the festival. It will be from 12:30 to 3pm. There’s no cost to attend the event.