The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.
Under old business, the Board approved UMK Bank as the paying agent, bond registrar and transfer agent, along with approving the exemption certificate and amending the previous resolution to authorize the issuance of bonds not to exceed $5.5 million and levying of tax for the payment for the high school and career academy project. Additionally, the Board approved the second reading of a revised graduation policy. The policy was changing freshman science credits to three, only allowing personal math to qualify for financial literacy, requiring four credits for language arts and having a minimum of 58 credits to graduate high school.
During reports, Board member Sam Harding gave an update on the high school and career academy project. He said the plan is to build the career academy first, followed by the high school, gymnasium and finally the auditorium. Footings for the academy will start this week. The precast concrete walls for the academy are expected to be installed by mid-June.
Following a discussion, the Board formed a committee with Steve Fisher and Steve Karber to look at options of the properties with the administrative and middle school buildings for the Greene County Early Learning Center. The non-profit child care organization is looking to either renovate the current building, that they share as part of the administrative building, or build new on the same property.
Following another discussion, the Board agreed to have OPN Architects get cost estimates on different potential projects at the current high school-like heating and cooling-when that building is renovated into the middle school. The Board had the discussion due to the state legislature passing the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds that will allow the district to do more to the building.
The Board then approved the 26 teacher leadership and compensation positions as presented, a 2.45-precent overall total package increase for the administrators and 2.53-percent total package increase for classified staff contracts for the 2019-2020 school year. The Board also approved increasing substitute and new hire rates as presented, as well as breakfast, lunch, milk and book fees for the 2019-2020 school year. Additionally, the Board approved activity pass prices for the next school year. A kindergarten through 6th grade pass will be $25, a s7th through 12th grade pass will be $50, and senior citizens can pay a suggested free-will donation.
The Board also approved an independent contractor agreement with ESSDACK for professional development services for $6,500, two fundraiser requests as presented, changing the name of the Greene County Academic Achievement Center to Ohana (Opportunity Happens for All Needing Assistance) with the change to take effect when the new high school opens later this fall and the first reading of revised policies of literacy and classified staff vacations.
The meeting ended in a closed session to discuss high school attendance and tardy process and to discuss a district employee’s competency.