
The Stuart RAGBRAI Committee is asking the community’s help in making a good impression to the thousands of visitors that will come through the City during the Register’s Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa.

The committee is holding a volunteer meeting to inform residents on the different subcommittees they can join, including entertainment, beverage garden, vendors, hospitality, safety, recycling, and more. Whether you can help before, after, or on the day of RAGBRAI, as the City’s motto implies, Stuart will need all the “good eggs” they can get. Committee member Karen Varley says the community needs to show their best selves to make it a day to remember, “Riders go on RAGBRAI not just for the scenery and the food but also because of the warm hospitality of Iowans. It’s well known, it’s our reputation as a state and as a community we have this opportunity.”

The volunteer meeting will be held at 7 p.m. tomorrow at City Hall, following the vendor meeting at 6 p.m. Stuart will be the meeting town on day two of RAGBRAI on Monday, July 22nd.