
The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board will convene tonight in regular session.

The meeting will begin with awarding this month’s Honoring Excellence recipient, DeSoto Intermediate Title I teacher Karla Courtney. Following that, the Board will approve the consent agenda, which includes: finance reports; personnel contracts; open enrollment; student teacher agreements with Drake University, Buena Vista University, and Luther College; 2019 graduates; and Board policy changes. The first action item will be consideration of continuing the open enrollment policy, which currently prohibits the majority of requests to enter the District.

Next, the Board will consider approval of the negotiated agreement with the ADM Education Association, new supplemental positions for the coming school year, and the classified staff salary and benefit package. Following that, they will accept the resignation of current Board Vice President Kelli Book, to be effective immediately following the meeting. The Board will also consider appointing her replacement, with the recommendation being Pat Steele, who had previously served as a member of the Board for eight years.

Finally, the Board will discuss the bond referendum campaign as well as review the draft of the new certified staff handbook. The meeting will conclude with a closed session to evaluate an employment matter, as well as an exempt session for negotiations strategy regarding administrative personnel. Following the exempt session, the Board will consider the administrative staff settlement package for 2019-20. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. tonight in the Board Room at the District Administration Office in Adel.