There was a smaller turnout for the second of three events to raise money for Perry’s 150th Anniversary Celebration, though organizers were still happy with how it went and the funds brought in.
Three teams were in attendance at La Poste Thursday evening to take part in Sesquicentennial Trivia, with Raccoon Valley Radio’s Chris Cohea once again serving as master of ceremonies and quizmaster. There were eight rounds of five questions, each of which had some connection to Perry history. Categories included famous Perry buildings, identifying specific locations in the City, and the history of the railroad. At the end of the competition, it was a three-person team calling themselves “The Leftovers” that won the contest, each earning a free commemorative Sesquicentennial coin for their efforts.
The Sesquicentennial planning committee will be hosting one final trivia competition on Thursday, June 6th. Additionally, they’re starting to take pre-orders for the coins and t-shirts, which should be available by the next contest. The celebration will be held July 5th and 6th, coinciding with the popular Perry Fourth of July event.