
Perry Lutheran Homes will be hosting the April edition of their monthly Alzheimer’s and Dementia Support Group tomorrow.

The program will be held at 3:30 p.m. in the large meeting room at the Perry Public Library, and PLH Director of Marketing Mollie Clark says it’s open to anyone touched by either disease. “There’s no cost, there’s no need to register, we just encourage you to give it a try! And you never know, one hour a month just might change your life. And it’s really for those that are impacted by Alzheimer’s and dementia in any way. A lot of times the caregivers are the ones that suffer as well, right along with their loved one. And this is a great time to learn tools and tips on self-care, on how to engage with your loved one, and really just understand more about the disease as it progresses.”

Perry Lutheran Homes hosts the support group on the fourth Tuesday of every month, with future programs to be held on May 28th, June 25th, July 30th, and August 27th. The program is led by PLH Chief Care Officer, Deb Koelln, who is a Certified Dementia Practitioner and Trainer. For more information on the support group, reach out to Koelln at 515-465-5342.