The Greene County School Board will meet twice tonight.
A work session will start at 5:15pm. The Board will hear several teacher presentations. During the work session, the Board will not take any action on any items on the agenda.
The regular meeting will follow at 6:30pm. Following open forum, the Board will consider for approval directing the sale of general obligation bonds not to exceed $5.5 million toward the high school and career academy project. Then under old business, the Board will consider approving the second and final reading of a new policy for assistance animals and a revised policy for animals in the classroom.
After reports, the Board will consider for approval the negotiated agreement with Laborers’ Local Union #177 for a three-year contract through 2022, fundraiser requests, the first reading for a revised policy for graduation requirements, a rental agreement with the Grand Junction Community Center for the summer food service program, and the 2019-2020 sharing agreements and the Area Education Agency purchasing participation agreement. Additionally, the Board will consider approving agreement for services for the new high school and career academy with hiring Terracon Consultants and Bolton and Menk, along with revising a special board policy for administrator contracts and renewal, as well as certified employee continuing contracts.
Finally, the Board will discuss and accept the 2018-19 audit report and review the summer project list. Both meetings will take place in the conference room of the administrative building in Jefferson.