The most recent Perry School Board meeting included discussion of two new programs for the elementary school, starting with some music education.
Superintendent Clark Wicks says the Board approved the creation of fifth grade band, which will be held Tuesdays and Fridays during first period. The program will be taught by high school band director Brad Sparks and middle school band director Lisa Christensen, and Wicks feels it will enhance the District’s music program by getting kids involved earlier. “Those two directors can share coming down to the fifth grade a couple times a week, and try to get things going with the fifth grade. Which then would help when they’re in middle school and then hopefully help with high school. So fifth grade band, starting next year!”
Another new edition to Perry Elementary in the coming school year will be the institution of a program that saw a great deal of success in its first year of implementation at the other two buildings: Capturing Kids Hearts. Wicks says they saw many positives with the program in building relationships and improving productivity of students, so it was only natural to extend it to the elementary. “So our staff, starting this summer during our staff development days, will begin the Capturing Kids Hearts at the elementary. So we’ll have K-12 continuity, and it should be a very, very powerful program. So another reason that Perry Community Schools is a great place to go.”
There is initial and annual costs for implementing Capturing Kids Hearts at Perry Elementary, which will be paid from the Total Quality Fund. The fifth grade band program, however, won’t add any additional costs for the District. To learn more about these and other Perry School District topics, click the link below to listen to the most recent Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Wicks.