Monday, April 15th
8:09am: A Traffic Stop in the 600 Block of South Cedar Street resulted in Ryan Sebourn of Jefferson being cited for, “Driving While Suspended.”
11:27am: Officers towed a truck from the West alley in the 100 Block of South Wilson Ave. Officers have talked to the owner of the truck numerous times about partially blocking the alley with vehicles. Garbage crews are unable to access the alley with the truck parked in the way.
3:02pm: Officers were requested at 505 North Grimmell Road for an argument between a couple at the residence. The officer worked to mitigate the issues between the couple.
3:05pm: George Glasgow reported a missing/stolen bag of paperwork from 702 North Cedar Street.
5:34pm: A caller advised of two female juveniles smoking cigarettes at Washington Park. The officer did not locate anyone in the area.
6:01pm: Abby Binkley reported two seven-year-old male juveniles had entered her residence at 606 West Harrison Street and went through her purse. Nothing was missing, but she advised them to leave as she was calling police. The officers spoke to both youngsters and their parents about the issue.
6:38pm: A caller reported a suspicious vehicle in the 300 Block of North Chestnut Street. The vehicle was not located by the officers.
7:52pm: Denice Emmick requested assistance in locating her juvenile son. He had left 602 South Elm after an argument with her. The officer located the juvenile at the LEC and spoke with him about issues with his parents being “tough.” He was taken back home to his parents.
8:00pm: Officers were given a vehicle description of a mother who had taken her daughter from grandparents with custody in Calhoun County. The vehicle was not located in Jefferson.
11:24pm: Officers checked 106 West Madison Street after dispatch received an Open Line 911 Call. The officer made contact with a female, who had pocket dialed 911.
Note: All charges are merely an accusation. All defendants are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.