
The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board is beginning a transitional period, as they are preparing to bid farewell to a current Board member and appoint a replacement.

Board Vice President Kelli Book announced recently that her family was moving out of the ADM School District. Though her children will remain enrolled in the District, bylaws state that all Board members must reside within the District’s boundary. Book’s move creates a vacancy, and the Board has decided to fill it through appointment, as opposed to special election. Superintendent Greg Dufoe outlines the process. “Basically we gave public notice that a vacancy is coming, and that people who are interested in being considered by the Board for the appointment have until April 18th to let us know that they’re interested. And then at that point, the Board will have to review the potential candidates and agree on who they’d like to have fill the vacancy. At the May meeting we would fill that vacancy, and then that term for that appointee would run until the November 2019 election. So it’s about a five-month gap fill for us.”

Dufoe adds, there’s been a great deal of interest from the public so far, but anyone else interested in applying can do so at the District office in Adel. Once a new member is appointed, the public can still object by submitting a petition for a special election, though it must be presented within 14 days of the appointment. To learn more about the ADM School District, click the link below to listen to the Perry Fareway Let’s Talk Dallas County program with Dufoe.