The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
During open forum, Doc’s Stadium Bar and Grill Owner Brett Cranston asked if he could close Chestnut Street from Lincoln Way to State Street on May 4th from 1 to 4pm for a special fundraiser. He said the Sleeping Angels were going to have a poker run and will stop in Jefferson. Every year they choose a different entity to give funds to and this year they are donating funds to Ben and Megan Wilson of Jefferson for a gravestone for their late son. The Council agreed to put the item on their agenda for their next regular meeting to consider approving.
The Council then set three public hearings for May 14th at 5:30pm. One will be to consider awarding the contract on the estimated $696,000 construction project of the road relocation of 243rd Street for the runway extension of the airport, another will be on issuing a $2.6 million general obligation bonds for several items to reimburse the City’s general fund, and an amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan to allow the use of tax increment financing (TIF) funds to build a ten-foot wide walking path along Central Avenue from Elm to Walnut streets for the new high school. Additionally, the Council also set two more public hearings on April 23rd at 5:30pm to transfer two properties, 506 East Clark Street and 507 North Cedar Street, to Region XII Council of Governments, which has agreed to build houses on those lots.
Finally during reports, Mayor Craig Berry said he received five letters of individuals interested in the vacant council seat. The Council voted last month to fill the vacant seat by appointment. The seat became vacant following the resignation of long-time Council member Larry Teeples. The appointment will be made at the April 23rd Council meeting.