
The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board will meet for their April regular session Monday evening.

The meeting will begin with a report and request from a group from the high school regarding the removal of class rank beginning with the class of 2024. The Board will not take action on the request. The first action item on the agenda is a resolution authorizing the redemption of general obligation school bonds to help the District pay down existing debt. The requested amount is $538,301, which would reduce outstanding debt and save money on interest payments. The District has done this sort of action for several years.

After that, the Board will hold a public hearing to present the proposed fiscal year 2020 certified budget. They will also hold a public hearing regarding changes to the current school calendar, which adds school days to the end of the year resulting from snow days. After the hearings, the Board will consider approval of both items. Next, they will consider approving a resolution ordering a special election regarding a $15.75 million bond issue for a new elementary building in Adel. The election would be held on June 25th.

Finally, the Board will discuss and possibly act on several other topics, including: the potential Board vacancy and replacement of Vice President Kelli Book; amendments to the District’s open enrollment policy; the bond issue campaign outline; and an update on the Minburn softball fields. The meeting is open to the public and will be held at 6 p.m. Monday in the District Administration Center, located at 215 North 11th Street in Adel.