
As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week in Iowa, participating agencies urge residents to be wary of a natural disaster that can happen rapidly: flash flooding.

The National Weather Service says flash flooding begins within 3-6 hours of heavy rainfall, and can also be caused by a dam or levee break or mudslides. Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management Coordinator Bob Kempf says failing to evacuate flooded areas, entering flood waters, or remaining after a flood has passed can result in injury or death. Kempf warns people not to drive, walk, or swim through floodwaters, “You don’t know whether there’s a road bed under that water anymore. You can’t see what it is, and with the fast moving water, if it is taking the road bed out. I mean you can actually put your vehicle into that washed out area or it could be washed off of the road and farther down the stream.”

If you live in a flood prone area, Kempf advises people to monitor heavy rain and other warning signs, move valuables to higher levels of your house or workplace if possible, and to have your emergency supply kit ready. Preparing for flooding can also include learning an evacuation route and shelter plan, purchasing or renewing a flood insurance policy, and signing up for your community’s warning system.