West Central Valley students can expect longer school days next year in response to the several snow days that had the district and others across the state scrambling to make up class time.

The School Board recently approved the 2019-2020 calendar, which Superintendent Lance Ridgely says includes 15 added minutes each day, 172 school days, and will include a spring break. After losing seven school days to snow this year, Ridgely explains how the district is being proactive, in case we see a similar winter next year, “On the calendar itself we identify the process for making up five days. The first two days would be absorbed, we have the minutes to do that. The third day would actually take a professional development day late in the year and then the fourth and fifth days are coming off the end of spring break so the Friday of spring break first, then the Thursday of spring break second.”

Each month will also include one full day and an early out for professional development. Friday, August 23rd will be the first day of school, and spring break will be the week of March 16th. Staff will have a total of 186 work days.