
What’s in it for me? Is a question the Guthrie Center Chamber of Commerce aims to answer this year in terms of attracting local businesses to join their organization.

The Chamber meets at noon on the second Tuesday of each month at various member business locations, and this year the Chamber is seeking to increase their number of new members. Chamber President Kristen Crouthamel shares how a Chamber membership can be an asset to your business, “We want to help advertise your business and really help you with social media and be a support system for you as a business to help get your name out there and to get people to shop locally. Especially with a lot of the new businesses and new, not necessarily retail, but you know the dentist and the new massage therapist in town and that sort of thing, so we really want to try to answer that for people so that they feel like they’re getting something out of the chamber.”

Besides promoting member businesses, the Guthrie Center Chamber is also involved with annual community events such as the Heart of Guthrie County Garage Sale, Fall-O-Ween Festival, and Teacher Coffee. The Chamber is accepting 2019 member applications, and you can contact To hear more from Crouthamel, listen to today’s Let’s Talk Guthrie County program.