The Greene County School Board will meet tonight.

The work session will begin at 5:15pm. The Board will discuss a variety of topics including: the Puppy Jake Foundation, the Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates (IJAG) program, allowing FFA to farm property near the new high school site, and hearing the 2020 fiscal year budget presentation. No action will be taken by the Board during the work session.

The regular meeting then takes place at 6:30. Following a public hearing, the Board is expected to approved the 2019-2020 school calendar. Then under old business, the Board will consider for approval a lawn care contract. Under new business, the Board will consider for approval a field trip request, an application for a school district to join the Heart of Iowa Activities Conference, recommendations from the School Improvement Advisory Committee, board policies on animals, and a 28E agreement with Greene County Supervisors for construction of the career academy.

Additionally the Board will consider issuing general obligation bonds not to exceed $5.5 million, discussing the IJAG program and setting public hearings for the 2020 fiscal year certified budget and a 2019 certified budget amendment. The meeting will end in a closed session for the superintendent evaluation.

Both meetings will take place in the conference room of the administrative building in Jefferson.