As work continues to progress on the renovation of the first and second floors of the Dallas County Courthouse, the newest occupant of the building is proposing the purchase of some new technology.
The County Treasurer’s Motor Vehicle Department is looking to add a queue system for their new offices to be located in the east wing of the first floor. Treasurer Mitch Hambleton presented the Q-Matic system to the Board of Supervisors at a recent meeting, which he said would enhance the customer service experience. Q-Matic is an automated system currently employed by each of the Department of Transportation driver’s license stations around the state. Hambleton says it would sort customers into different queues, based on their answers to a short survey when they arrive, and the system then directs the customer on where to go.
The cost for the system and the install would be $37,772.59, which includes a $7,000 discount Hambleton was able to obtain since it’s for a government entity. He also asked the DOT if the price was fair, and representatives from each of the offices told him it was right in line with what they pay. The cost doesn’t include monitors, which would need to be purchased separately. The Supervisors had questions about maintenance and updates that Hambleton didn’t have during the meeting, so they tabled any decision on purchasing the Q-Matic system. They do have some time, however, as the Motor Vehicle Department isn’t expected to move into the courthouse until late spring.