
Iowa Representative Phil Thompson. Photo courtesy of Iowa Legislature website

A legislative bill that has survived the first funnel week was chaired by the new state representative for Greene and Boone counties focuses on helping housing issues.

District 47 Republican Phil Thompson of Jefferson says his bill is aimed at saving abandoned homes in cities before they have to be demolished. He notes that the legislation expedites the process for cities to take control of abandoned properties or those occupied by a squatter. That way the city can then redevelop the property and use the equity to pay the developer and those stakeholders in the project.

Thompson points out the current process takes too long for cities to acquire a property.

“Essentially they have to go through two court systems. The more tape you’ve got to cut through the longer it takes to get to the end state. While you do that, the property continues to deteriorate. Time is of the essence when you’re talking about getting into these properties and saving them before it’s too late and you’re only option is to bulldoze them.”

Thompson adds the bill made it through the House State Government Committee and is now eligible for the House Floor for debate.