The high school wrestling season ended at the 2019 State Tournament last week. Greene County head coach Zach Beekman completed his first season heading the Rams’ program with his first State qualifiers in seniors Brock Wuebker (170) and Bryce Hoyle (195). Other key seniors included Clint Dennhardt (182) and Joe Anderson (182/195).

Even though the current seniors will be missed, the coach told Raccoon Valley Radio he feels the program is on the upswing. “I know there are some younger wrestlers, maybe first year guys that tried it out, and maybe it’s not their thing and they won’t be back, but we certainly hope they will return. When we look from an overall program standpoint, now that I’ve got a clearer picture of what way we want to go, we’re going to do a lot more offseason stuff.”

Coach Beekman potentially has 80% of the lineup returning that went 17-11 in dual meets, 5-2 in the Heart of Iowa Activities Conference, and sent two juniors in Braden Gallagher (106) and Joel Ward (160) to the District tournament. The coach said there are some of next year’s freshmen that he expects to make an impact as well. “When you look at who is coming up, like McKinley Robbins, that kid right there will get you excited. I got to sit by him at the State finals this year and talk to him. I’m really, really looking forward to coaching him and him being a part of our program’s future.”