State Republican senators have advanced a proposal to amend the Iowa Constitution to not protect abortion rights. If passed into law, it could affect pregnant women whose health and safety are at risk.
This amendment proposal comes as a response to the Iowa Supreme Court’s ruling last June stating there’s a fundamental right to abortion in the state constitution. When asked if this amendment would set women’s rights back, District 20 Representative Ray Sorensen (R) said, “I don’t think it limits the possibility of compromise in that area and I’m always willing to listen to a compromise but no, I don’t think it sets women’s rights back. I think that what it does is make very clear that we don’t want to go the way of New York with these late-term abortions and I can’t get on board with that. So I think what that does is just kind of makes clear where Iowa stands on that.”
The late-term abortions in New York Sorensen refers to is a law signed in January that permits abortions after 24 weeks if a health care professional determines the health or life of the mother is at risk, or the fetus is not viable. Sorensen said in situations of risk to the mother’s life or pregnancy from incest or rape there should be exceptions to the amendment, and while he is “pro life” he says he’s willing to listen to all sides of the issue. For this amendment to take effect, it must be approved by two consecutive legislative assemblies and by a majority of Iowa voters.