
The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session Monday night.

The meeting began with the Council approving the target area and moving forward with procurement of technical services to apply for a Community Development Block Grant for housing rehabilitation. Karla Janning with Region XII Council of Governments told the Council that residents who live in the target area will be able to apply for funding for energy efficient home improvements beginning February 15th. Next, the Council discussed it’s host duties for the fourth annual Celebrate Guthrie Center event with Main Street Guthrie Center Director Dana Buster, and they approved the 28E agreement for law enforcement services as revised by the County Board of Supervisors.

The Council then approved on a 3-2 vote the first reading of a levy funding agreement for the Guthrie County Regional Airport Authority. The ordinance states the City would give $8,700 annually for 15 years and then half of that amount for the 15 years following. The $8,700 would be levied to City residents for no more than 27 cents per $1,000 of valued property. Currently, the City levies 13.5 cents to residents. This levy increase is to help collect the 10% of funds needed for a $3.8 million runway reconstruction. The Council will have a second reading on the agenda at their next meeting, pending action from the Board of Supervisors on the agreement.

Finally, the Council discussed in closed session a request from Guthrie Center Fire Chief Dave Embleton for the Council’s approval of a registered sex offender to volunteer for the department. If approved, the fire department would have to get permission from the local schools, library, and childcare facilities for the sex offender to respond to fire calls at those facilities. After the closed session the Council decided they would consult the city attorney, liability insurance provider, and Guthrie County Sheriff’s Office before taking action on the request. The meeting concluded with a fiscal year 2020 budget workshop.