The next event in the Adel Public Library’s popular “Tales to Tails” program is coming at the beginning of February.
It will be held Saturday, February 2nd starting at 11 a.m., and local grade schoolers are invited to practice their reading skills with a therapy dog. The library partners with the Animal Rescue League’s Therapets program for the activity, which they say is beneficial to all involved. The ARL is able to get good training for their therapy dog, and the children are able to practice their oral reading skills in a stress-free environment. “Tales to Tails” is open to kids in 1st through 5th grade, and each participant will get a 15-minute time slot to read.
Registration is required because space is limited, and can be done at the library’s front desk. There is no cost to participate. To learn more about this and other upcoming programs at the Adel Public Library, stop in or visit their website,