
Midwest Partnership Economic Development Corporation is having their annual dinner tomorrow.

This year’s guest speaker is Hernan Etcheto of Nutriom, LLC, a dehydrated food company with facilities in Panora. Entrepreneur of the Year and Guy Powell awards will be presented. The dinner will take place at the Lake Panorama National Conference Center with a social reception at 5:45 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. and the business meeting to follow. Midwest Partnership serves Adair, Audubon, Greene, and Guthrie counties in facilitating the retention, expansion, and attraction of businesses to create jobs and grow the region’s tax base.

Cost is $27 per plate and $160 for a table of six. You can register online at www.midwestpartnership.com or by calling 515-523-1262 or emailing sgomez@midwestpartnership.com. Payment is accepted at the dinner and checks can be made to Midwest Partnership.