The Dallas County Board of Supervisors convened Tuesday morning in regular session.
The meeting began with discussion on a request for funding by the Des Moines Township Trustees for repairs to the fence around the Xenia Cemetery east of Woodward. The repairs are estimated to cost $15,000, and the Trustees could potentially get a grant from the Dallas County Foundation if they had some matching funds. The Board took no action, but will consider loaning funds at a later date. Next, the Board approved two items related to the Secondary Roads Department. The first was to reduce the posted speed limit on Meadow Road from 55 to 35 miles-per-hour, at the request of the City of Adel.
The second was to approve the plans and set the bid letting date for a proposed central maintenance storage building. The bids will be received by 9 a.m. on February 7th, with the Board to consider awarding the project on February 12th at 9:30 a.m. Following that, the Supervisors held more discussion on the service coordinator position for area 1A of the Healthcare Coalition. Assistant County Attorney Wayne Reisetter outlined the latest 28E agreement between Dallas and Polk counties. He was directed by the Board to reach out to Polk County representatives to iron out details.
Finally, the Board held discussion but took no action regarding the HIRTA/Homecare provider services, though each of the Supervisors expressed a desire to not subsidize HIRTA with County funds. The meeting concluded with a budget workshop.