8:30 am Cell 911 traffic complaint
11:41 am Cell 911 medical call for Panora Ambulance
9:39pm Cell 911 medical call for Panora ambulance
3:48 am Cell 911 medical call to Diamondhead Lake
11:37 am Cell 911 for Carroll Co Transferred
12:48 pm 911 medical call for Stuart Ambulance
2:39 pm Cell 911 possible theft. Stuart Police Department investigated
8:06 pm Cell 911 property damage accident
8:20am 911 call ref cows out down by Monteith
9:08am 911 medical call for Panora ambulance
9:18am Cell 911 call reference careless driver on Hwy 141.
9:19am Cell 911 call reference careless driver on Hwy 141
9:24am Cell 911 call reference careless driver on Hwy 141
1:53pm 911 call ref cows out down by Monteith
8:20 am Cell 911 cattle call
9:08 am 911 medical call to the New Homestead
9:18 am Cell 911 report of an erratic driver on Hwy 141
11:14 am 911 medical call in Stuart
1:53 pm Cell 911 cattle call
4:34 pm Cell 911 disturbance call in Bayard
8:58 pm 911 reporting of a barking dog at Lake Panorama
11:20 pm 911 fight at the Owl’s Nest in Panora
9:09 am Cell 911 car in the ditch east of Stuart
1:47 pm Cell 911 medical call to the fair grounds