A reminder to Perry residents… the following are closed today for RAGBRAI festivities.

The center lanes of 1st Street from Highway 141 north to Willis Avenue.

Willis Avenue from 1st Street to 10th Street.

The majority of West 3rd and Harold Bailey Way on the south side of Pattee Park.

Center Street west of Don’s TV to Pattee Park and West 3rd Street.

Everyone is encouraged to walk or ride their bike around the downtown area instead of trying to drive their car and park.  Chamber Executive Director Bob Wilson says shuttle service will also be available for all.

Wilson says don’t be afraid to get out and enjoy the festivities, even if you are housing visitors.  He says they don’t expect you to cater to them all day so go ahead and enjoy the activities.

In addition, as a reminder Tuesday’s regularly scheduled garbage routes will be picked up on Wednesday instead and there’s no yard waste pick this week.

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