Residents that have desired parking lot repairs at the Dallas County Auditor’s Office will soon get their wish, as the County is moving forward with a reconstruction of the entire lot.
The Board of Supervisors enlisted the aid of AECOM Engineering to design a new parking lot in front of the Auditor’s Office, and they came back with plans that include a special surface that will allow stormwater drainage. The plans and specifications were approved, and the Board then planned to solicit bids in August. However, at the request of Auditor Julia Helm, they delayed the project until after the general election in November. The bids were then gathered on December 5th, and the County received five responses.
The lowest bid belonged to Kingston Services of Des Moines, in the amount of $164,148.10, which was considerably under the engineer’s estimate of $227,900. The Board approved a contract with Kingston, and the project will begin some time before April 1, 2019. It’s expected to take 45 working days to complete, depending on the weather. The Supervisors also approved an administration agreement with AECOM to oversee the construction. County Engineer Al Miller typically handles that sort of task, but he said the job is a little more complicated and time intensive than usual, so he recommended using the firm that designed the project.