Perry City Council 8-6

The Perry City Council will convene Monday evening for their final regular session of 2018.

The meeting will begin with a public hearing to discuss entering into a general obligation loan agreement for improvements to the Perry Municipal Airport. The public is encouraged to provide input on the expected $2.3 million loan. Following the hearing, the Council will consider a resolution to approve entering into the loan agreement. Also in old business, they will consider a pay request of around $19,000 to Elder Corporation for the Willis Avenue Bridge project, and also consider filing for the renewal of the City’s Federal Migratory Bird Depredation permit, related to turkey vultures.

In new business, the Council will consider several items, including: an appointment to the Perry Tree Board; appointing newspapers for official publications and notices; setting time and place of regular meetings that conflict with holidays in 2019; making appointments for compliance officers and various City positions and committees; and a City Hall print assessment proposal.

The meeting will be held Monday at 6 p.m. in the Clarion Room at Perry City Hall.