alliant energyWith the warmer weather we’re currently experiencing, you might be giving your home heating source a break, but it’s only a matter of time until the frigid colder temperatures return.

With that in mind, New Opportunities of Greene County offers a special heating assistance program for qualified individuals through Alliant Energy. The Home Energy Savers program is for those households that meet the income guidelines can pay 15-percent of certain project costs, while Alliant Energy pays the other 85-percent to improve a household’s home energy efficiencies.

The projects include, but are not limited to: air sealing, furnace tuneup or replacement, insulation, refrigerator or freezer replacement, and water heater insulation or replacement. An example of the income guideline range for a household of four would be a yearly income of $50,200 to $75,300.

Other qualifications for the program include Jefferson residents only and there must be several households lined up by the end of the year. Projects don’t need to be done by the end of the year, but the paperwork needs to be completed.

For more information or to sign up, contact New Opportunities of Greene County Coordinator Teresa Lansman at 386-2719.