The public has given input on ADM's Facility Planning
The public has given input on ADM’s Facility Planning

The public’s next opportunity to learn about and weigh in on the facilities master planning for the Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School District is this Tuesday.

The District is hosting a pair of public input meetings in the high school auditorium, the first from 6-7 p.m., and the second from 7-8. The facilities committee will present the progress of the master plan, based on recent meetings and input they’ve had from the community so far. The necessity of the facilities plan has become clear as the District continues to grow at a rapid pace and the current buildings risk overcrowding. The draft concept proposed by the facilities committee includes potential grade configuration and building changes, which they hope will help address the growing enrollment concerns.

Everyone is welcome to the public input meetings, whether they currently have children in the District or not. Anyone with questions is encouraged to reach out to ADM Superintendent Greg Dufoe at 515-993-4283, extension 7050. For more information on the facility master planning process, click the link below to visit the District’s website.