Greene County ExtensionSeven Greene County youth are gearing up for the Lego League competition next month.

Greene County Extension 4-H and Youth Coordinator Kayla Willms says the First Lego League is open to 5th through 8th graders who have taken beginning robotics courses this past summer through their extension program. The students are working on building their robot and programming it to complete obstacles for the competition. Willms points out they are also doing another project centering around the theme of space, for which the kids received guidance from Paton native Loren Shriver.

“And he gave us some info as he was an astronaut a few years back. And so we got some good information from him. The kids are doing a great job of figuring out what they want to do. They are going to remake a space uniform, so we will see what that all entails when they get their project done.”

The competition takes place in Boone on December 2nd.