Featured speaker Dennis Henrichs
Featured speaker Dennis Henrichs

Friday morning, several Greene County veterans were honored with a special program put on by the Greene County High School Student Council.

The program opened with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the high school choir performing the National Anthem and the concert band played two patriotic-themed songs. Student Council member Arthur Bardole talked about the background of Veterans Day and Elle Madsen read a poem. A tribute video, “Veterans Day: We Took An Oath,” was shared and then the featured speaker Dennis Henrichs gave his speech. He stressed the importance of doing well in school, but also the importance of serving in the military.

Greene County High School concert band
Greene County High School concert band

“Do your utmost best in school now. If you go into the military, you’re going to get the same stuff over again, so get it good now. Take a look at the military. Because there are jobs out there that will pay you to do a job that you’re going to go to school and pay somebody to teach you. So why not get paid to learn?”

Veterans were then treated to applause as they exited the auditorium of the high school.