GC Public Health

While influenza activity is currently sporadic across the state, getting the flu vaccine now can prepare you for when the season ramps up in Guthrie County.

Residents can get their annual flu vaccine anytime Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at Guthrie County Public Health with no appointment needed. Guthrie County Public Health is stressing the importance of the vaccine, as Director Jotham Arber says the number of flu cases in the county practically doubled last year. The flu vaccine is not 100% effective against all influenza strains, but it can prevent serious illness and death for those most vulnerable, as Arber mentions, “The reason that we stress it so much is because there are so many types of flu virus out there. We want to make sure that we are hitting the most prevalent ones that are out there to give your body that immunity so that even if you do become ill with the flu, the signs show that having that flu shot, having that bit of immunity built up, prevents you from becoming drastically ill.”

The vaccine takes about two weeks for the antibodies in your system to develop, so getting the vaccine as soon as possible can help prevent serious illness when the season peaks in December. Flu shots are also available at pharmacies, medical clinics and from your medical provider.